
Here is a list of all the executors and generators available from this package.


  • run-android

    Runs Android application.

  • run-ios

    Runs iOS application.

  • bundle

    Builds the JavaScript bundle for offline use.

  • build-android

    Release Build for Android.

  • start

    Starts the Javascript server that communicates with connected devices.

  • sync-deps

    Syncs dependencies to package.json (required for autolinking).

  • ensure-symlink

    Ensure workspace node_modules is symlink under app's node_modules folder.

  • storybook

    Serve React Native Storybook


  • init

    Initialize the @nrwl/react-native plugin

  • application

    Create a React Native application

  • library

    Create a React Native library

  • component

    Create a React Native component

  • storybook-configuration

    Set up storybook for a react-native app or library

  • component-story

    Generate storybook story for a react-native component

  • stories

    Create stories/specs for all components declared in an app or library